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The ANREV Australia Core Open End Fund Monthly Index (ACOE) saw a total return of -3.43% in April 2020. The ACOE includes 19 funds with a total GAV of AUD 111.34 billion.
Market Information
The document is a distillation of information provided to ANREV by non-listed property vehicles, as well as publicly available information of other non-listed property vehicles.
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ANREV, INREV and NCREIF have released the first Global IRR index providing data on the performance of value added and opportunity closed end non-listed real estate funds in Asia Pacific, Europe and the US.
ANREV, INREV and NCREIF have released the first Global IRR index providing data on the performance of value added and opportunity closed end non-listed real estate funds in Asia Pacific, Europe and the US.
Market Information
Data contributions were received from 100 funds with a total gross asset value of US$136.5 billion. The All Asia Index headline return was 7.9% in local currency for 2019 compared with 9.6% in 2018.
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