INREV Reporting Guidelines - Sustainability update

22 Nov, 2016
  • View two new tutorials developed by INREV on the importance of sustainability and how to use the new INREV Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.


    The value of  Sustainability Reporting is that it ensures organisations consider their impacts on sustainability issues, and enables them to be transparent about the issues they face.


    This increased transparency leads to better decision making, which helps build and maintain a sustainable real estate sector.


    Every day, decisions are made by investors and fund managers which have direct impacts on their stakeholders, the environment, civil society and citizens. These decisions are rarely based on financial information alone.


    They are based on a wide variety of environmental, social and governance factors which are presented in the INREV Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.




Do you have a question?

For further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Amelie Delaunay
Senior Director, Research & Professional Standards