ANREV research committee oversees the development of ANREV's research programme. The research committee supports and advises on the development of research on the non-listed real estate industry in Asia Pacific relevant for ANREV members.

The committee members include:

  • Name
  • Leslie Chua (Chair)
  • Ashok Khanna
    Brookfield Asset Management
  • Elysia Tse
    LaSalle Investment Management
  • Eric Li
    PIMCO Prime Real Estate
  • Hannah Safdar
    AEW Capital Management
  • Jade Tan
  • Yeolmae Kim
  • Kenneth Tsang
    JP Morgan
  • Koichiro Obu
  • Regina Lim
    M&G Real Estate Asia Pte. Ltd

Do you have a question?

For further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Charles W. Haase
Chief Executive

Would you like to join the Research Committee?

From time to time, vacancies arise in our Working Committees, creating opportunities for interested members of ANREV to contribute in a meaningful way to the work of the association. If you are interested in joining this particular committee, do please contact Charles Haase at [email protected] to make your interest known.

Related Information

  • This global annual survey explores the aspirations for investment into the real estate sector from investors with a focus on non-listed real estate funds. The survey is done in collaboration with INREV in Europe and PREA in the United States.

  • The ANREV/INREV/NCREIF Capital Raising explores capital raising activities into the non-listed real estate industry. The survey provides insights by region, product type, investment strategy, and where possible presents a historical comparison.

  • The ANRVE/INREV/NCREIF Fund Manager survey explores total real estate assets under management of fund management companies, providing insights into regional composition and vehicle types.

  • The Management Fees and Terms Study provides an overview of the fees and terms applied by Asia Pacific non-listed real estate funds. The study aims to increase the transparency of fee structures and fee levels in funds, and to create a framework for regular reporting of fees in funds. The survey is undertaken every two other years.

  • This study examines the preferred termination options and associated issues among Asia Pacific closed-end non-listed real estate funds. The survey is undertaken every two other years.

  • This ANREV/INREV study provides an overview of the multi manager industry in Asia Pacific and Europe, as well as detailed analysis of the performance of multi managers.