The ANREV regulatory and tax committee’s goals are to increase market knowledge of regulatory and tax aspects of Asia Pacific non-listed real estate vehicles.

The Committee monitors and prioritizes the major regulatory, legal or tax developments impacting non-listed real estate vehicles in the main relevant countries in Asia (including, to the extent possible, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Japan, China, India and Korea).

The Committee works with experts among the ANREV members and outside, to issue regular regulatory update newsletters to the members and to offer briefing and workshops on specific regulatory, legal or tax-related topics.

The committee members include:

  • Name
  • Ivor Morris (Chair)
  • Danny Chee
  • Daryl Liu
    Clifford Chance
  • Jiwei Yuan
    PAG Real Estate
  • Justin Ter
    ESR Singapore Pte Ltd.
  • Karyn Lee
    ARA Asset Management
  • Luke Gannon
    DLA Piper
  • Pierre Beissel
    Arendt & Medernach
  • Ryan McCarthy
    Invesco Global Real Estate
  • Samantha Tan

Do you have a question?

For further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Charles W. Haase
Chief Executive

Would you like to join the Regulatory & Tax Committee?

From time to time, vacancies arise in our Working Committees, creating opportunities for interested members of ANREV to contribute in a meaningful way to the work of the association. If you are interested in joining this particular committee, do please contact Charles Haase at [email protected] to make your interest known.

Related Information

  • This newsletter is published every quarter or more frequently if the recent development needs immediate attention from the industry, and updates members on regulatory and tax changes in jurisdictions across the Asia Pacific region.